Thursday, October 30, 2008

Halloween stickers from Lia Burris

Thursday, October 30, 2008
Halloween stickers from Lia Burris
You are a gem..
Thanks so much for the Halloween e-mail and sticker/seals..
Hand writing "Loretta Graef" on envelope was like my Dad's and pretty much like mine is today ! amazing ..

Lia , Thanks , for finding and sending this.. Best wishes to you and your family, Halloween Oct 2008
From the laptop of your cousin Bob Graef


----- Original Message ----- From: Tyrone & Lia Burris To: Robert Graef

Sent: Thursday, October 30, 2008 7:46 AM
Subject: stickers from Lia
I guess it really is not a tradition but just a natural thing that Aunts give nieces stickers. Or the way they use to call them they are seals. Then they get passed down sometimes.
I thought you might get a Kick out of this set I found this morning and saw the name on the envelope. I scanned it in for you.
Sometimes this information is interesting because you find that the same stuff you like can be almost a family trait to like simmilar things. I find I like these so much that I also have a hard time thinking of using them and wish to save them too.
Sincerely, Lia

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